Wednesday 22 October 2014

Image bank - back of heads portraits

Image bank - back of head portraits

The images that i have chosen all show the backs of a persons head. This is to think about perspective and positioning in photography. Commonly, in back of head portraits the background is blurred, this is so that the person looking at the photo can see that the background is not important in this setting of photo. This helps the photographer get across the main effect of the image.

In this image the back of head portrait has been placed against a busy background to give it sense of scenery and is able to allow the choice of clothing to sit in with the theme.

In the two images above the simple backgrounds highlights the simplicity of the back of head portrait. In this image there is nothing to distract people and they can easily see the type of hair of the people.

In this image the angle of the head in the photo allows you to see some more of the face and head, this gives a different perspective to the photo. This make the focus also look towards the face with the back not being the most important part.

In this image the use of tone helps to make the back of head be the simple focus of the image. The one colour shows the back of the head fitting in to the scenery without questioning the actual place and the style of the person.

In this image the plain background helps to focus on the back of the head which highlights the focus onto the hair. The focus on the hair allows for a difference in perspective and can show some of a persons identity without seeing their face.

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